Pradhi in Sanskrit Means Intelligence

About Us

We love to Compete with the Problem

Not all start-ups are a result of boredom at offices or excitement at colleges. Some exceptions stem from sheer experience and expertise, aiming to address new and unsolved problems in untested territories. And, is one such exception!

Vijayalakshmi Raghavan (Viji)

Co-Founder & CEO

Poojha Sampath


Bharath Kumar Mangipudi


Ramakrishna Prasad Nori (RK)

Founder - Head AI Research & Consulting

Our Advisors

P S Jayakumar


Raj Raman


Thought behind Our Logo

“Our CEO delves into the rationale behind our company name and logo. In Sanskrit, "Pradhi" means intelligence. We advocate for harnessing the synergy between natural intelligence and artificial intelligence to tackle challenges. Intelligence can be interpreted in many ways. Intelligence, to us, is the ability to use both convergent and divergent thinking throughout the problem-solving process.”

Voice + LLMS and Generative AI is the defining strategy for enterprises to leverage AI
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